RCS DIY – Stockholm, Sweden

The most insane “backyard pool” Stockholm has ever seen: a true beast with tons of vert and steep corners but yet an ever so fresh pleaser to the eyes; huge deathboxes, large cyan tiles, yellow cooping blocks and a baby smooth surface, all poured in one go. With all the extra details such as the drain in the deep end, pool light, love seat and even water valve caps on the walls it’s as close to the real deal as it gets.


The boundaries of skateboarding are endless; so are the number of places a skater will see a skate spot. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful.

KANOA Interrail 2019

KANOA is a skatecrew from Barcelona, a group of friends who skate everyday. For the love of skateboarding, friendship & KANOA.

Life goes on and we live far from eachother now, so even if not all the crew was at the Interrail it was kind of a reunion.

Joaco, Jaume & Alex

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