Burnin Bridges

Under the bridge DIY in Denmark with Ginger, Bjørn Lillesøe, Lukas Lundgaard Olsen, Sebastian La Cour, Søren Noe and Nicky Guerrero. Video and photos by Johan Benda

Kalkonia DIY – Germany

The project was launched in 2017 and most of what was accomplished there we learned on the spot. Beneft concerts have brought us donations, stone

Skate Days Alte VHS, Traumspot Nr. 2 – Germany

Music room, screenprint, salon, childrenchaosroom, workshop, atelier, basementclub, darkroom, several meeting rooms, gallery, concert room, sportsroom, playroom & jungle toilet inside the building who became known as “Alte VHS”.


A collection of pictures taken during the filming of “Warriorski” a 2022 video edit by Julien Papen

Haani Jetha – artist check out

I turned to discarded skateboards to convey these stories. Objects of mobility that have taken me to many of the places

Pumf Plaza DIY – Ramsbottom, England

When Covid kicked in and we got furloughed and told to stay indoors, we were straight down the building. It was hidden away, no one could bother us and the weather was red hot.