JIBOIA DIY – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
JIBOIA DIY – São Gonçalo City, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Words & photos by Jiboia … Keep reading
JIBOIA DIY – São Gonçalo City, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Words & photos by Jiboia … Keep reading
As hallows eve rolled around this year , Burnside skatepark celebrated its 32 years of life. 32 years of DIY skateboarding that has endured its surroundings of urban development.
Of course, the word jam quickly brings to mind a kind of contest in which you can win jam. And so, on a beer-soaked evening, the concept of this year’s contest at the Greifswalder DIY was quickly put together. Ihr Nacken!
Cover: Jojo Heffington. Nose grind tailgrab at Mega Haven Pool in Modesto, California Photo: Patrick … Keep reading
We, a team of experienced and inexperienced DIY skatepark builders, craft- as noncraftpersons, skaters and non-skaters, have designed and built a concrete element in a participatory process
When thinking of iconic skateparks from the 1970’s, Sweden’s probably an unlikely candidate that comes to mind