Freakend 2023 – Port Land DIY – Basel, Switzerland

Port Land DIY family put together a new edition of the Freakend party. Three days of rad skating, music playing, silkscreen printing, snake venom drinking and chicken plucking in one of Switzerland’s most famous DIYs.

Manserama 2023 – Tampere, Finland

Finland’s locals never give up on celebrating our favorite pastime on four wheels. Over the last years, one town took up a really a massive collective effort and created what to me is one of the most lovely “skate towns” in Northern Europe – and that town is Tampere! Their work led to the creation of the infamous Kenneli DIY Bowl, the Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat ry association, the outdoor bowl of Iso Villunen, and plenty of cool skate spots all around town.

ZWZ DIY – Zürich, Switzerland

Under normal circumstances such a structure would not really allow to hold more than a little session. But… since the guys running the café next door thought it would be an excellent idea to set up an outdoor stage – right in front of the volcano – it was only a question of time before somebody had the idea to have a session with a concert.

Truken Troef VII – Vorselaar, Belgium

After the previous edition was completely rained out, we could count on beautiful weather this year. (We’re still grateful for the last-minute tent that allowed us to skate a bit last year.)

Barbecue DIY – south France

Wild, that’s the word to describe the weekend at Barbecue DIY, south of France. We were very lucky to be welcomed by Enzo, owner of this beautiful garden and maybe one of the nicest pools to skate in France. This event helped to finance the construction of the DIY.


Monolito is a video documenting the whole process of constructing a curb, getting a lot of types of skaters together and fraternize with the basic and original premise of only skatin’.