Greifi Pool Bash 2024 – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany

The Greifi Pool turned one year old this summer and we celebrated it with a big bash. Stuff for tricks and everyone – doesn’t matter what size, wheels, gender, or skills – was welcome to shred. People showed up and contributed their best.

Ramputene DIY – Donostia, Basque Country

It rains a lot around here, and despite having public skateparks in the area, they are always full of scooters and there was no indoor park, so we got down to work and started cleaning everything to build a miniramp…

Wicked Lady – Olivia Jaffe Interview

With an unbelievably old, ripped up, Motörhead shirt on, the sickest pair of leather boots you’ve ever seen, a cig in one hand and an archaic piece of technology in the other, comes Olivia Jaffe. Like a spider carefully waiting for the moment to strike, often not disrupting the scene, just hanging in there tight till the time comes, she shoots to kill… dig into her photos and dive head-first into a rock and roll universe you only ever dreamed of before.

Confusion magazine – issue 35 – out now!

DIY spots check-outs at Honeoye Falls DIY (New York), Pumpa DIY (Slovenia), P-Side DIY (California), Zrza’s Pool (Czech Republic), + Capuchin’s DIY (Breast, France)


Last month, The Tournament took place with Cruzade skateboards at Ramputene DIY under the bridge in Donostia/San Sebastian

iNDRAUSEN / “BROKENxPART”- indro martinenghi

Many of the clips I filmed have unfortunately been lost… and this d.i.y. project is called “Broken Part” also for this reason… but still, I decided to finish it, respecting that period that was magical as it was in every day, night, trick, trip without adding other clips outside of that time when I was to move back to Italy.