Toni Perrone. FS slash grind.

OMSA Pizza Tour 2015 – “Italy the Land of dreams?”

…And here is the team: Fred (our International part from France and the Master Photographer), Axel (from Trier the oldest town in Germany established by Romans over 2,000 years ago), Toni (our ½ German with an Italian passport and all time translator), Dietsches (Mr. OMSA) and me (the organizer + Wolfgangster). The OMSA Team on a mission – grinding down the pools in Italy….

Dietsches. Frontside grind. Benesse-maremne, Capbreton.

OMSA Tour De France

It all started five years ago when some dude from France posted photos from the Malmö Ultra Bowl contest… One of the photos was also of me and since then I meet Fred every year and he invites me to come to France. As I was only in a few places in France in all the years, the time had come! And I’m still fully stoked – so read on…