Beastmode – Denis Supersaxo
Denis Supersaxo gets in this special mood, his Beastmode, when he’s just cruising the Beast … Keep reading
Denis Supersaxo gets in this special mood, his Beastmode, when he’s just cruising the Beast … Keep reading
When a dummy kid starts a nearby colossal wildfire during the prime days of summer, you still gotta gear up to get down with a squad.
Under an ashy and ominous September sky, Jivaro and friends roll the sanctuary backyards of our neighbors in Southest Portland – where preservation and imagination are one.
If boredom or hardship threaten your daily sanity, try skateboading kids.
The September Wheels summer tour has become a synonym for a great time with friends. This is why no less than 14 people met up in Helsinki last August to skate, eat, drink, sleep in tents and cross the Baltic sea. Somehow we managed to be in Finland for the hottest and sunniest week they had all summer, so we spent our days skating, swimming and sweating.
Jaime Mateu from Mallorca going loco at the Hi Adventure bowl in Florianópolis, Brazil. Filmed all in one evening.
The Beauty was our beloved indoor Pool in the Autonomous Beauty Salon in Zürich. Since the squat got evicted in spring 2014, we started to plan for a new winter spot.
“When you throw a bunch of skaters from all over the world in a couple … Keep reading
The Beauty is our winter spot. Rough, cold and dusty. Sketchy trannies and more then often some gravel in the corners. It’s located in a wonderful squat called “Autnomous Beauty Salon” in Zurich. We built it after we finished the Beast as a nice winter option.
Over the time, we got some experience with shaping concrete. And the first thing we learned is that we need good wooden trowels for the first contact with the concrete. Filling up holes and smoothing it roughly is the first step, waaay before you work with a metal trowel.
Dan Pinder is an 18 year old skater from Fargo, North Dakota. He doesn’t like contests. He just wants to eat, skate, and shit for a company, and hopefully that is good enough!
Specifically formulated to resist flatspotting while maintaining a higher rebound for a quicker response and a faster roll. The urethane is the perfect blend of grip, slide & durability. A harder inner core ensures a perfect bearing seat & smooth roll – ideal for all terrain skateboarding.