WASTED BOX: Shop opening party / skate / art show

Last Sunday Wasted Box skate shop opened their doors with an all day art/photo show from Brusk Collective, Sergej Vutuc, and Herr Schulze, with a freshly constructed skateable installation by Koet Construction that was the focus of the day, into the nights entertainment. Free beers and pot stickers were on hand throughout the evening as psychotic skateboarding went on in the corner of the dark and dingy cellar below….

Impakt Crew attack Siegburg, Germany

Any given Sunday in Cologne, our crew attempts to motivate to go skateboarding. Either to the Factory/OMSA Bowl in Düsseldorf, or to the outside concrete bowl in Siegburg, Germany. We all talk about how we aren’t going to drink much the night before so we can be fit to skate the next day. That never works out. “Just a couple beers” turns into “too many beers”, and before we know it, we’re stumbling home at 4 in the morning, with plans for meeting at 1pm the next “morning” to go skate.