Jamie Mateu. Body jar. Backside air to tail.

Bergfest 2015 – Peace, Love and Skateboarding – Münster, Germany

Bergfest 2015 was a massive hit……. Bowls, Beers, Bros, skateboarding, sun, girls, bbq, slams, stalefishes, never been dones, almost makes on the rail, bands, more beers, after party, and three days to recover. Thanks to Koloss, Pavel Skateboards, Jimmy’z, Concrete Wave, and Hoax mfg for helping make this skate party a smashing good time. If you really want to know what it’s like at the Bergfest, you have to come experience it yourself. See you next year!

Mats Hatlen. Lien air. Photo: Eddie Think

Vert Attack 8 – The Confusion report

Every year around April, I get the itch about wanting to go to Malmö for the next Vert Attack edition. In April? Yes in April, the ambiance, the brotherhood, the parties, and foremost the insane skateboarding that occurs every year, makes it that I get homesick just a couple of weeks after the last air landed, the prizes were given away, and the hangover cleared from the afterparty.

Booze & Cruise. Area 51 skatepark. Eindhoven, Holland.

first of many foreseeable Booze & Cruises to take place at Area 51 Skatepark was a success. The level of skateboarding for a mostly amateur contest was incredible. Standouts were the locals, Nick Bax and Jeroen Sars (Team 100%), Job and Daan van der Linden, whom I named the mini John Cardiel of Holland who were claiming Team Andy Roy, and the Belgian duo, Szymon Stachon and Maarten van den Bossche.

Mike Vallely. No comply over the channel.

Vert Attack 6 – Malmö, Sweden – 2012

A year late and a euro short… last January, over 1 year ago, was VERT ATTACK 6, an epic vert two day show down on Malmö’s “mid size” vert ramp at Brygerriet skatepark. The year before, Vert Attack 5 showcased vert skateboarding legends Steve Caballero and Christian Hosoi, and this years old school legend was none other than Duane Peters! Other than the the Master of Disaster showing up to perform practically every trick he invented, on hand were young gun american rippers Brad McClain ane Ben Hatchell who skated the ramp padless with every lip trick in the book as if it were a miniramp.

New LOHSE RAMP opening party. Cologne, Germany

The old Lohseramp was the only real ramp in all of Cologne, Germany, but when it ended up starting to rot after many winters and derelict kids starting fires under the transition, the city finally shut down the ramp and the locals took it apart and salvaged some of the masonite, for a possible future project.