Sergej Vutuc “Coincidence” in Japan

Coincidence or maybe just Strong Reaction of my searching to see more to exchange. A few months ago I was planing to do japan tour but nothing, then tokyo happened. But something inside was telling me leave things to happen… so how I chose was to fly and stepping on the far east road… spirit of untitled family friends of friends our friends were there… and I am back to discover something from me to learn many new things. Amazing hospitality!!!

Park barge – Banzai Skate Park – Oahu, Hawaii

November in Hawaii brought huge swells and an abrupt closing of the Banzai skate park on the North Shore. A closing that would supposedly help the park grow with construction.

Powell Peralta Europe Tour (Part 2)

“Every trip has it’s ups and downs. Whether it be not finding places to stay, long drives, weather, etc… After Sweden and Denmark we were sure that we were on an “up”. We get picked up in Malmö after having to get ahold of Brad through his girlfriend’s instagram. The drive was easy with a spacious van and we even ended up taking a ferry somewhere in there as well. My goal was to only speak German for as long we were in Germany. So I was less than talkative for the first four or so hours driving. I ended up breaking language when we ran into some of our friends from the States at a completely random rest stop off the German highway. A few English words with the homies and we’re off to Munster to skate for a couple of days….” – Steven Reeves

Hot shit: Mark Radden

My name is Mark Radden,
I pretty much skate mental,
I am of the species they call human,
I have a passion for all things and people skateboard related,
I am 23 years of age,
I have been skateboarding for about nine, nearly ten years now,
So far nothings faded me yet.

Photo Contest #4

So we’re working hard on the first print issue of CONFUSION MAGAZINE here at the Confusion Headquarters, but don’t want to leave you hanging waiting for some new content on the website, so we’re having a contest. WIN A FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO CONFUSION MAGAZINE.