Pumpa Party 2013 – Postojna, Slovenia

The Boldrider’s guys have organized two days of party and skate sesh, with16 bands playing, because they were supposed to destroy all the concrete and the vert ramp at the gas station in Postojna. I was so sad about that, but so hyped at the same time to meet up with all the guys. Whoever was there knows the situation… the atmosphere was so rad.

Boldrider art sale – concrete fund raiser – Postojna, Slovenia

“There was just one session on the indoor mini ramp at Pumpa because outside it was raining so we couldn’t skate the bowl. There were different artists selling art, photos, zines, cds, lps and other things. We sold them to collect money for buying new concrete. That’s it!” – Deso / R.O.W.

Session at Beertards ramp – Kranj, Slovenia

Maybe this ramp doesn’t look special to you, but it’s very special to a couple of guys who live in Slovenia where you can count these kind of places with the fingers of one hand. And if you cut one finger off you’ll get the number of skaters who don’t wear hair gel and who don`t skate on supermarket parking places. People will hate me even more for what I just wrote. Fuck them.

Stay Organized

This is a love story about Binz and Pumpa and true rippers, starring Boldriders and R.O.W. Skateboards… STAY ORGANIZED!!


Fiesta Des Ursulines 2012 – Bruxelles, Belgium

The Fiesta Des Urulines is a crazy day of eccentricity that takes place in the heart of Brussels in Belgium once a year. Organized by the Brusk (is dead) collective, this skate-music party is a full day fiesta combining concrete bowl skating with music ranging from punk to rock n roll to jazz and electro along with silkscreening demos, organic food, specialty belgium beers, a grafitti session, and another skate session on the D.I.Y street course which was built the day before along with a full wooden shack sun shade 0 star sleeping accommodation.

September Wheels Eastern Europe DIY Tour

Summer had come, which meant for us the oppurtinity for another great Bowl & Pool riding tour! After Basque Country 2009 (West) and Czech Republic in 2010 (East), the decision was easy to go south! The crew was set up as the usual suspects. Sylvain Morger and his brother Damien Morger, Lukas Halter and Ivo Weibel, Reto Bösch and Nicolas Büchi.

Confusion Magazine – Issue #4

Confusion Magazine – Issue #4 – release date end of Janauary, 2012. Featuring Adam Benson, Matt Grabowski, Balder Lehmann, Ferit Batir, Phil Jackson and Sadam Yoshizawa.