Session at Beertards ramp – Kranj, Slovenia

Maybe this ramp doesn’t look special to you, but it’s very special to a couple of guys who live in Slovenia where you can count these kind of places with the fingers of one hand. And if you cut one finger off you’ll get the number of skaters who don’t wear hair gel and who don`t skate on supermarket parking places. People will hate me even more for what I just wrote. Fuck them.

Stay Organized

This is a love story about Binz and Pumpa and true rippers, starring Boldriders and R.O.W. Skateboards… STAY ORGANIZED!!

Overview. Foto: Alex Funk

Telum Basement Bowl and Miniramp – Stuttgart, Germany

At the end of 2012 Alex Funk, head of Telum Skateboards and a few Stuttgart locals visited the former health ministry in Stuttgart and decided it could be a good place to build up something new to skate indoor in Stuttgart. The Skateboard Museum, also located in Stuttgart, was closing at the end of the year. So there was the possibility to rebuild the Museum Bowl into the new location.