New CONFUSION T-Shirt Designs

New CONFUSION T-Shirts and a few limited reprints. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SKATESHOP and buy the t-shirts directly from a real skateshop. You can find out where to find Confusion here. If your local skateshop doesn’t sell Confusion magazine or any Confusion merchandise, ask them to, or send us the name and contact of your local shop to

La Kantera “Pool Session”

On October 6th, we tried for the 4th time to have the “Pool Session” in La Kantera organized by La Kantera Skate Eskola The children could skate the other part of the skate park, for two hours, but the rain started, and the organisation decided to make some fun, for example the biggest power slides, the best trick in the ramp, etc.

Psychedelic Scribble Skate Wave – Offenau, Germany

“The building of room installation… or whatever people would call it… what for me was important in this installation is to build something out of dumpster and buying less as possible things and on the end was only screws, car gas… since diy is run by corporations, time is to build by death of society.” – Sergej Vutuc

One Night in Wonderland – Christiania, Denmark

After a few days in Malmö, Sweden for the Ultrabowl, we, along with about 25 other skaters from about five different countries, stopped first at Copenhagen on the way to other skate destinations around Europe. It was this one night in Wonderland where skater crews from all over the world converged in Christiania, and had a session with some Wonderland locals…

New LOHSE RAMP opening party. Cologne, Germany

The old Lohseramp was the only real ramp in all of Cologne, Germany, but when it ended up starting to rot after many winters and derelict kids starting fires under the transition, the city finally shut down the ramp and the locals took it apart and salvaged some of the masonite, for a possible future project.

BSS Crew – Basque Country skate tour

So we made another skate trip this summer, to the Basque Country! We stayed each night at the beach or near the skatepark and prepared our meals with a barbeque or a gas cooker. When we arrived in Bilbao we just picked up our rental car and directly headed to the first spot, it was an awesome obstacle park in the center of Bilbao with a huge halfpipe and a miniramp with a hip…

BOWL OWL CONTEST 2012 – Cologne, Germany

Organized by Wasted Box skateshop and the North Brigade Skatepark, this coming Saturday, September 8th, the second annual C1RCA BOWL OWL CONTEST 2012 takes place in the Owl Bowl at the Northbrigade. Apart from the highly sought-after Owl trophy, skaters can win combined prize money worth 2000 euros as well as CA$H FOR TRICKS!

Ultrabowl 4: Malmö, Sweden

Ultrabowl 4. Concrete skateboard madness. 40+ rippers from around the world. Brad McClain continued his Scandinavian pro contest sweep with the win. Malmö local Fernando Bramsmark took 2nd. And Kevin Kowalski, last years winner took home 3rd place and a broken rib.

New concrete: Hamburg, Germany

This skatepark is based in Hamburg, Germany and is part of the International Garden Show 2013 Hamburg. It is the most complex park ever built in Germany. We have a bowl with about 460 feet of pool coping. There is this snakerun that starts at zero and ends in a 11 foot elevated pocket.

Skate scene report: Galicia, Spain

Skating in Spain. The first places that come to mind are Barcelona, the Basque Country, and Madrid. But we all know that there are lots of other interesting locations on this peninsula. This article is all about the north-westernmost corner, Galicia.