Park barge – Banzai Skate Park – Oahu, Hawaii
November in Hawaii brought huge swells and an abrupt closing of the Banzai skate park on the North Shore. A closing that would supposedly help the park grow with construction.
November in Hawaii brought huge swells and an abrupt closing of the Banzai skate park on the North Shore. A closing that would supposedly help the park grow with construction.
It wasn’t only the first Saturday of 2014 but for us it was also a Confusion Day. We ended the day with a superb contest and we had fun. Thankfully, we had no “hall of meat”, no one got injured although we did brake one skateboard deck.
AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!
“A lot of people have been down here. Some come and don’t want to skate. Some are scared to drop in. Most struggle to find speed, and all will eat shit at some point. I’ve seen a lot of heads bounce off the concrete, mine included. Some days I’ll have a skate and the bowl will kick my arse. People will come with their boards, but will leave with hippers, swellbows, bruises, cuts and of course covered in dust.
My bowl was a case of I wanted something to skate. I built it, I skate it.” – Swampy
POWIŚLE DIY is located in an old building abandoned for twenty years near the center of Warsaw. Construction was started by three people and then quickly more people joined to work and to raise more money for the materials. The spot is totally illegal but we have tacit approval from the city and the police so we can expand the spot and enjoy the ride!
The Skateboard Plaza Resthof, located in steyr/upper-austria, was created during the year 2012 by local skateboarders and friends. Our main goal was to create skateboard ramps which fit our needs.
Phil Evans came to Malmö with his super8 camera about seven years ago and he has burned several miles of film on the subject since then. In many of Phil’s movies there has been a connection to Malmö in one way or another so it was inevitable that Phil was going to make a full length movie about the skate scene in Malmö.
Some friends search for some skate spots and found this truck, just for skate, just for fun.
The spot is about 10 km from Jyvaskyla, near Ruoke village in the middle of nowhere on this abandoned highway stop. Those barriers have been there for ages and we all have had our eyes on them for years. Two years ago Ville and few other guys started this spot by doing a small concrete tranny to make one of those barriers skateable
It started with getting shown a random photo on someones iPhone and as soon as I saw it – the search was on!