Chris. Tailslide.

Bergfest 2014 – Battle at the Monster Bowl – Münster, Germany

The annual Bergfest is one of the best skate contests in Germany, if not Europe. Although it is technically a contest, this year’s event was more underground and diy with less big name sponsors and not so concerned with handing out big checks to the winners, but more interested in everyone having a good time…

João Sales. Stlying out a smith grind on his own creation.

Fabrica 22 – Lisbon, Portugal

I think of Love and Dedication in several areas of life and I can surely identify these two feelings whenever I see them. This struck me again recently when I saw a raw space, dirty, wet and ugly, turn into an awesome indoor skateable area made with that Love and Dedication I mentioned earlier.

Ville La Grand skatepark – France

In the highly specialized field of skatepark archeology, the stream of inspiring discoveries flows without an ebb. It goes without saying that the unrelenting efforts of skatepark archeologists, highly qualified specialists in their own right, confirm the omnipotent mantra that conceives the inconceivable, manages the unmanageable and constructs the unconstructable: “It is right as long as it belong to skateboarders (not the cities)”.

Home Sweet Bowl – Northern Germany

I guess most skaters’ dream is to settle down at some point in their lives on a property with a little bowl in the backyard, or at least some kind of private shredable terrain such as an indoor miniramp.

El Ser DIY – Los Angeles, California

After the demise of the Bronson Ditch project, Clayton Graul was already on the hunt for a new location. Having participated with USP at Bronson, I was also on the hunt for a new location for them. My hunt didn’t take me deeper into the woods or another ditch off the beaten path. I was led right to my local prefab skatepark.