Ryan Carpenter. Front smith in the Bird Bath.

The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 1)

“I could say I remember it like it was yesterday but that would be a lie – in fact it seems like a lifetime ago. No smartphones, no email, weed was illegal no matter what your doctor cared to write, and the strippers had zits on their asses in Portland. Looking back it seems like 1995 was a completely different world than what exists today. I mean shit was real seedy back then and modern day terms like gentrify just weren’t in the average American’s vernacular. But even without the aid of booking flights and hotels online and the fantasy of transporting legal weed we somehow still made it to Burnside that summer because we fucking had to. “Build it and they will come” may be a corny ass line from a Kevin Costner movie but in the case of the granddaddy of DIY, it’s pretty much the way it was…” – Bruce Rodela

David Sanchez. Lien air. Photo: Jaime Marcos

The Tournament – Las Arenas, Getxo 2016

The Tournament 2016 took place Lasa skatepark in Las Arenas, Getxo recently repainted and slightly upgraded by Kako, Alex Mosterin and other locals from Algorta. The day before was a mini ramp contest in Romo, also in Getxo

Vans Park Series – Malmö, Sweden

Vans Pro Skate Series. World Championship. Malmö, Sweden. August 20, 2016. The Confusion photo report.
Photography by Nicola Debernardi and Eddie Think.