Felony Flatspotters by Jivaro Wheels

When a dummy kid starts a nearby colossal wildfire during the prime days of summer, you still gotta gear up to get down with a squad.

Under an ashy and ominous September sky, Jivaro and friends roll the sanctuary backyards of our neighbors in Southest Portland – where preservation and imagination are one.

If boredom or hardship threaten your daily sanity, try skateboading kids.

Puerto Vallarta Skate Team – Build Ramps Not Walls

The skate scene in the town of Puerto Vallarta along the Pacific Coast of Mexico has flickered to life in the past decade… the new generation of Mexican skaters have seen the you tube clips of Southern California skate parks and they want a piece of that pie!

Tailblock. Photo: Ben Hermans

Annapurna Skatepark – Nepal

We built a 650 square meter park in 18 days, and even though it was completely d.i.y., so to say, and took place in one of the poorest countries of the world, we manged to finish with a high quality product even three days before the official opening. Wo/manpower is all you need to make things happen…