Graveside DIY – Hawaii
Graveside, appropriately named, sits next to a real grave yard and is in all essence a hardcore bowl to skate. The location is beautiful but still raw.
Graveside, appropriately named, sits next to a real grave yard and is in all essence a hardcore bowl to skate. The location is beautiful but still raw.
I hate my parents can still resonate in the adolescent head of the skateboarder you are. It’s perhaps still the case, but try to love your friends’ parents because they could agree to give you part of their garden to build a sort of Steppe Side style / DIY skate spot. I don’t know them but I start to love them too.
“Just wanted to submit some images and reach out for support. We got a pretty good spot going in XxXxXxX, CA. Trying to keep it as underground as possible while building as much as we can while we can. Any info on the ones who would be down to contribute would be greatly appreciated, it all helps.