Sergej Vutuc “Coincidence” photo exhibition

Sergej Vutuc is tripping across the USA putting up photo shows and performing with Helmut Vutuc Lampshade. His traveling road show is named COINCIDENCE and the first date is Saturday, April 13th at CHIIPSSssss skate shop in Detroit. He’s been shooting on the streets this last week and on alternate days spending hours in the darkroom huffing fixer until his brain is exposing his photographic visions onto paper. If you are in Detroit tomorrow, or Chicago on April 26th, make sure to check out his show. Otherwise, check back here for more dates and photos from the road…

Sergej Vutuc – Painful reminder

“…what was important for me was to work with used material as much as possible to use things that we left – to leave and make an installation which has a double function… and on skateboard sculpture, for me is everytime kind of self play with things that i know, saw, skate and visions… the important part for me of skateboarding is to give things new meaning to see and use something what is not made for it… exploring perception and body…. first i play with many things that we know about skateboarding and objects which are skateable in simple way… but to see the change of an object meaning that people hang clothing and things on “artpeace” was something like giving new meaning to work, new step interaction…breathing…” – sergej vutuc