Heidelberg, Germany

I was writing for months with Arne (Boardstein) and he told me that they were working on rebuilding the old “under the bridge” park in Heidelberg, Germany. I was thinking to go there to make a few photos, because it’s so close to Heilbronn where I live, and Heidelberg is a sweet green quiet town.

WASTED BOX: Shop opening party / skate / art show

Last Sunday Wasted Box skate shop opened their doors with an all day art/photo show from Brusk Collective, Sergej Vutuc, and Herr Schulze, with a freshly constructed skateable installation by Koet Construction that was the focus of the day, into the nights entertainment. Free beers and pot stickers were on hand throughout the evening as psychotic skateboarding went on in the corner of the dark and dingy cellar below….

BRUSK Collective: “Concrete Idea” Art Show

BRUSK Collective “Concrete Idea” Art Show
On Saturday, March 6th, 2010. Opening at 6:00 PM exhibition “Concrete Idea” at Basementizid – Wollhausstr. 17, in Heilbronn, Germany
Die hard skateboarders – bumps and holes covered by metal – then concrete -you’re already skating in your head – away from home – dread weather conditions – can dry fast or take the whole night – stick together as one – no one else wants it as good as we do – forget about the plans – we’ll be the first ones to skate it anyway

sergej vutuc: the process of communication

Born in Bosnia and later moving to Croatia, Sergej is currently living in Germany and continues to work on various film & art projects in the Balkans.