SC Pool Sculpture going down… Zagreb, Croatia

Since the conclusion of the Students center pool sculpture being built, we’ve been introduced to a whole new way of riding a skateboard, and to a new skateboarding style which, until then, we were only able to see on tape. In the same year, being skateboarders, we were facing great depression not being properly understood and listened to. We didn’t have anything. After ten years of riding street, now and then even a skatepark that was being demolished faster than it was built, we didn’t have as nearly as much room for creativity and progression as we needed to. A lot of us gave up on skateboarding.

Sergej Vutuc “Coincidence” photo exhibition

Sergej Vutuc is tripping across the USA putting up photo shows and performing with Helmut Vutuc Lampshade. His traveling road show is named COINCIDENCE and the first date is Saturday, April 13th at CHIIPSSssss skate shop in Detroit. He’s been shooting on the streets this last week and on alternate days spending hours in the darkroom huffing fixer until his brain is exposing his photographic visions onto paper. If you are in Detroit tomorrow, or Chicago on April 26th, make sure to check out his show. Otherwise, check back here for more dates and photos from the road…

Sergej Vutuc – Painful reminder

“…what was important for me was to work with used material as much as possible to use things that we left – to leave and make an installation which has a double function… and on skateboard sculpture, for me is everytime kind of self play with things that i know, saw, skate and visions… the important part for me of skateboarding is to give things new meaning to see and use something what is not made for it… exploring perception and body…. first i play with many things that we know about skateboarding and objects which are skateable in simple way… but to see the change of an object meaning that people hang clothing and things on “artpeace” was something like giving new meaning to work, new step interaction…breathing…” – sergej vutuc


Fiesta Des Ursulines 2012 – Bruxelles, Belgium

The Fiesta Des Urulines is a crazy day of eccentricity that takes place in the heart of Brussels in Belgium once a year. Organized by the Brusk (is dead) collective, this skate-music party is a full day fiesta combining concrete bowl skating with music ranging from punk to rock n roll to jazz and electro along with silkscreening demos, organic food, specialty belgium beers, a grafitti session, and another skate session on the D.I.Y street course which was built the day before along with a full wooden shack sun shade 0 star sleeping accommodation.

Psychedelic Scribble Skate Wave – Offenau, Germany

“The building of room installation… or whatever people would call it… what for me was important in this installation is to build something out of dumpster and buying less as possible things and on the end was only screws, car gas… since diy is run by corporations, time is to build by death of society.” – Sergej Vutuc

Fernando Elvira – German Art show Tour

Here is a short clip of my three-exhibition Tour in germany this summer. We edited it in one day at Confusion Magazine headquarters in Köln.
It was filmed by Piper, Sergej Vutuc, Jonathan Hay and myself on fairly simple cameras. A very low budget production but really high in fun, liebe and other vitamin-rich ingredients. – Fernando Elvira

Sergej Vutuc: Something in Between: Artshow

Sergej Vutuc, the photographer behind the book, “Something in Between” is putting up work in an empty space and doing abstract drawings out of skateboarding. If you live in Germany, check it out this Sunday, the 4th. If not, we’ll update this space after the show so you can see what went down.