Ferdzraiser: Skateboard artist Ferdz Valencia needs your help!

Ferdz Valencia, skateboard graphic artist and father of two, had a massive stroke on December 9th, 2016 and is just waking up from it now, but can’t move or talk yet and needs another surgery but the hospital has suspended the surgery because of unsettled medical bills.

Rocky’s bowl crete-raiser

Overall it was a great day. Had a good turnout raffled everything except few shirts. The bands came later and rocked. Might have to do another in spring.

Rocky’s Bowl Crete Raiser

The creteraiser is to help raise money to finish Rocky’s bowl. All funds raised is for concrete to ad a snake run with a cradle next to the bowl and decks.

Boldrider art sale – concrete fund raiser – Postojna, Slovenia

“There was just one session on the indoor mini ramp at Pumpa because outside it was raining so we couldn’t skate the bowl. There were different artists selling art, photos, zines, cds, lps and other things. We sold them to collect money for buying new concrete. That’s it!” – Deso / R.O.W.


Here it is folks the next ‘crete-raiser is set to go down Saturday, April 20th, 2013! Come shred Rocky’s bowl and help raise some extra dough to finish the BUILD.