BBC Pool – Barbeque DIY France

Jacques Séguéla, a french politician once said “If at 50 years old you don’t own a Rolex, it means you messed up something in your life”. Yeah right… Enzo is quite far to be 50 yet (he’s actually only 19) and on the watch he doesn’t own, it’s only writing “NOW” anyway. Whatever, since over a year, this kid and his crew were digging, by hand, a fucking huge hole which is now probably one the best backyard pool in France ! And yep, those guys shot in one go ! God damn legends.

Helltrack DIY (I’m not dead yet) – Pennsylvania

We couldn’t see any of the DIY from where we were, so I started venturing into the no-man’s land they created. As I got closer I climbed to the top of an unnatural hill, and from there I could see the top of the vert wall still standing.

Noodle DIY

The city moves at a snail’s pace. If you can get your new build in quick enough, they might just think they’ve already destroyed it

The Shop Ditch – Florida

As the frozen clutches of winter began to grip the North East, I recently drove from Pennsylvania down to Florida to find some warmth and new spots to skate.

ST DIY – northern France

After negotiating with my mum about doing some concrete instead of wood in the barn, we finally had a green light to get started.


It will not be a surprise if I say that 2020 was a little fucked up. All this covid/lockdown/stay at home bullshit etc. One of the obvious questions that the whole world was asking was: “Will there be annual Rozkurwiel Tour?”. No worries guys. It happened. First idea was to visit the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Our plan changed. Was our trip worse because of that? Let’s find out!