Burnside – Halloween 2021

In celebration of 31 years of Burnside Skatepark’s existence! Possessed to build!

Hanover DIY – Germany

This year we discovered a tight and steep ditch close to the swimming spot. Some friends and bmx riders already cleaned a little part of the ditch and filled some cracks, but it was still barely possible to ride with a board…

Skate Punk – La Friche, Marseille

A big event called “Skate Punk” in Marseille with cash money at La Friche Belle de Mai skate park Marseille, France

DIY Move Plaza, Lindau – Germany

The town we’re talking about is Lindau (Bodensee) at the Lake of Constance. Located in the deepest south of Germany, next to Austria and Switzerland and at the foot of the Alps.

Glass skateboarding – Riga, Latvia

An experienced skateboarder, consciously or unconsciously knows and feels the material, its texture, and density, of his/her choice. Glass is rarely used byskateboarders, and the idea of purposely creating objects of glass for skateboarding is something new for everyone. It’s an adventure, entering the unknown, which is the best part ofboth forms of expression – glass art and skateboarding.


History went down and mayhem was made along with new and old friends, it felt like the 90’s. Thank you to everyone that played apart of this day, what ever you where doing drinking beer, screaming out your lungs or being the one putting on a show…