Palmdale Pool Project

“The city (Palmdale) is a suburban dream turned methamphetamine nightmare. A desert retreat for all the misfits, gangsters and drug addicts from Los Angeles to find cheap housing. But as we may all know as skateboarders, these areas make a great destination for back yard pools.”

872 DIY bowl project – France

DIY spot in France (Thouars in Deux-Sevres). This is the 872 DIY bowl project, just near a bridge which was built by Gustave Eiffel company in 1872.

DIY Szaber Bowl – Poland

It was January 2014, together with my friend after a few beers we decided to build a concrete pool in the heart of Warsaw under the bridge where I was previously involved with POWISLE DIY project. We were pissed off because of many things like the fact diy culture is still not that big in Poland, all the bowls at the parks are really bad and mellow and don’t even have good coping

Dietsches. Frontside grind. Benesse-maremne, Capbreton.

OMSA Tour De France

It all started five years ago when some dude from France posted photos from the Malmö Ultra Bowl contest… One of the photos was also of me and since then I meet Fred every year and he invites me to come to France. As I was only in a few places in France in all the years, the time had come! And I’m still fully stoked – so read on…

El Ser DIY – Los Angeles, California

After the demise of the Bronson Ditch project, Clayton Graul was already on the hunt for a new location. Having participated with USP at Bronson, I was also on the hunt for a new location for them. My hunt didn’t take me deeper into the woods or another ditch off the beaten path. I was led right to my local prefab skatepark.

Bronson Ditch. Find the Hollywood sign. Find the ditch. Photo: Clayton Graul.

Bronson Ditch “Urban Skate Project” – Hollywood, California

Nestled in the Griffith Park area (Hollywood Hills), where hiking trails welcome hundreds of people a day, Bronson Canyon ditch has been the destination for any skater who visits southern California and more specifically, Hollywood. But like the Hollywood movies that have emerged over the years, someone decided to do something new and exciting with a location that has been untouched for decades. Clayton Graul and his crew have recently taken the DIY approach to Bronson Ditch and have added some creativity to its legendary status.

MY DIY overview.

MY D.I.Y. – Atwater, California

“I’ve been doing concrete work for about fifteen years. It was just a job and had never occurred to me to use my knowledge of concrete for skateboarding until I met the Vagabond crew.” – Gene Boles

DIY Busua Beach – Ghana, Africa

After a surf holiday in Ghana in the winter of 2010, Michael offered to buy piece of land in Paradise village in Busua (west Ghana coast). The dream of opening their own hostel would become a reality and Michedetermines that he must build Ghana’s first skatespot in its plot.