Muckefuck Skateboards & Urethane team edit

50 guys packed into a 5 minute clip. The Muckefuck team riders hitting up every kind of skateable terrain imaginable. No triple angle slow mo footage, no drone footage, only the fastest, purest and rawest skateboarding – turn up the volume and wake up!

Dumb Skateboards – Almost Eleven

“We put our best for making our 10 years video, but we failed. It’s gonna be the 11 years video. We are really good to fuck up our goals. We are not good enough to get rich and famous, but most of all we have fun.

Booze & Cruise. Area 51 skatepark. Eindhoven, Holland.

first of many foreseeable Booze & Cruises to take place at Area 51 Skatepark was a success. The level of skateboarding for a mostly amateur contest was incredible. Standouts were the locals, Nick Bax and Jeroen Sars (Team 100%), Job and Daan van der Linden, whom I named the mini John Cardiel of Holland who were claiming Team Andy Roy, and the Belgian duo, Szymon Stachon and Maarten van den Bossche.

The Hype Train

The Hype Train is a crew of skateboarders based out of San Diego, California, on a mission to build and destroy ‘crete wherever it lays. Here’s a trailer for the film, premiering January 2013.