Felony Flatspotters by Jivaro Wheels

When a dummy kid starts a nearby colossal wildfire during the prime days of summer, you still gotta gear up to get down with a squad.

Under an ashy and ominous September sky, Jivaro and friends roll the sanctuary backyards of our neighbors in Southest Portland – where preservation and imagination are one.

If boredom or hardship threaten your daily sanity, try skateboading kids.

The Bastard Photographer of Portland: Ethan Walsh

I have no family. My mother put me in debt 100K ten years ago through forging my signature for credit cards and school loans. I was about to start law school. I had a full ride. I wanted to change this country. I studied Marxist Social Theory, Game Theory, Class Inequality, Systems of Labor Management, Criminology, and Japanese Culture. I speak Japanese and have lived in Portland for 34 years. Everything that’s happened to me made me who I always wanted to be.

Checking out Pudi's skate photography.

Fuck fear drink beer

Fuck fear drink beer – art show and Portland DIY session – Basel, Switzerland in memoriam of the Black Cross Bowl.

Vassivière mega cradle

Euro Gypsy Trip

European bowl & diy hunt by four gypsy homies.

Burnside 25th anniversary

Burnside 25th anniversary halloween party was a blast! The pouring rain did not stop the party and fortunately the bridge kept the park kind of dry.

Frank Shaw in a brutal backyard pool somewhere in Oregon. Photo: Brady Walsh. As seein in Confusion Magazine issue #8

Frank Shaw’s new video part for HOAX MFG

Frank Shaw, featured in Confusion Magazine issue #8 (as well as shown on the cover of the same issue doing a hurricane grind over the door at San Pedro) has a new video part for HOAX MFG premiering exclusively on Confusion Magazine, right here, right now.

Bronson Ditch. Find the Hollywood sign. Find the ditch. Photo: Clayton Graul.

Bronson Ditch “Urban Skate Project” – Hollywood, California

Nestled in the Griffith Park area (Hollywood Hills), where hiking trails welcome hundreds of people a day, Bronson Canyon ditch has been the destination for any skater who visits southern California and more specifically, Hollywood. But like the Hollywood movies that have emerged over the years, someone decided to do something new and exciting with a location that has been untouched for decades. Clayton Graul and his crew have recently taken the DIY approach to Bronson Ditch and have added some creativity to its legendary status.

Port Land DIY. Basel, Switzerland.

In the summer of 2011 the news that the beloved BLACKCROSSBOWL was to be destroyed came true and plans were soon put into place to find a new space to build. After some intense dealings with permits and raising money the Basel crew, motivated as ever, started digging, laying iron and troweling concrete in the waste land around the port area of Basel.

Confusion Magazine – Issue #8 – out now

Confusion Magazine – Issue #8 – out now! Features with Frank Shaw, Sox, Lovenskate in Basque, DIY skate spots including Bluestone (Australia), Port Land (Switzerland), PFK (Japan), a music feature with Mike Neider from Bl’ast, an artist feature with Zombie Stu, a scene report on Cadiz, Spain, Hot shit, product reviews, zine reviews, video reviews, a Ramp Jam in Belgium and so much more.