History went down and mayhem was made along with new and old friends, it felt like the 90’s. Thank you to everyone that played apart of this day, what ever you where doing drinking beer, screaming out your lungs or being the one putting on a show…

Girls on Shred – Coal pad DIY – Glacier, WA

After more than a year of not being able to have any gatherings and going thru lockdowns here and there, it looks like times are getting a bit better and on June 12th Montana based “Girls on shred”hosted their first women’s / non binary skate clinic in Washington state at the Coal pad DIY in the town of Glacier.

BBB Truckstop – Ballina, Australia

Grind Projects put it out for every man and his dog to get creating with their DIY dreams. Best crete creation would win a free pour delivered from the Grind Projects legends. Truckstop crew came through with the goods with the most insane structure and took out the win.


It was just six issues ago that we graced the pages of this glorious magazine with our professional d.i.y. park in Glücksburg in the most northern corner of Germany. After three builds in four years we thought we were finished, but it turned out we were wrong.

Conspiracy Bowl – New Jersey

With all the conspiracy theories in the world, let me tell you about one that doesn’t involve the government or aliens; The Conspiracy Bowl in New Jersey is a backyard pool that we got to shred in a sick night session.

Nude Bowl – 2021

One of the best things about skateboarding is how, even in the middle of a desolate expanse of desert at an abandoned pool, you can meet a group of skateboarders who begin as strangers and end as good friends.