Pool Block Party DVD released!

Pool Block Party premiered yesterday in Southern California and is now available for purchase direct from Peacock, the filmmaker. Peacock also made pool skating cult classics, Cancer Dust and Tresslashing. This video features lots of the best pool skaters ever skating tons of backyard pools. Rumors are going around that this is the best pool skating video EVER!

Amsterdam Pool Project: Holland

From Niels Naber, Burnside Constructions: “We are currently working on a last minute, hardcore diy project in Amsterdam, made with stuff found on site. It’s called the Amsterdam Pool Project and was initiated by 2 local artists Miktor and Molf.”

Backyard Pool. Bavaria, Germany

With the recent concrete developments in Hirschgarten, Heidelburg and Moos, you’d think there wouldn’t be much to update in the next months about new German ‘crete. And then bam! Baum sent in this update from the Bavarian outback – a backyard ‘made to skate’ pool he’s been working on in the backyard of Black River. Concrete coming next week! So who said there’s nothing good to skate in Germany?

Heidelberg, Germany

I was writing for months with Arne (Boardstein) and he told me that they were working on rebuilding the old “under the bridge” park in Heidelberg, Germany. I was thinking to go there to make a few photos, because it’s so close to Heilbronn where I live, and Heidelberg is a sweet green quiet town.

Wörgl Pool, Austria

Wörgl’s pool # 3 is ready to shred… Built by the locals from Tyrol. Thanks for all the helping hands and dedication. There is still space left so watch out for more ‘crete coming soon!


From April 21st to 25th our lurking class team went on a little Easter trip heading to Hard at Bodensee (Austria). Starting on Thursday evening we arrived late at night in Stuttgart (Germany) to meet up with the guys from Koloss to have a little sesh at the museum bowl and to have a shelter for the first night.

Dietsches’s Pool Dreams of Californication

Dietsches, founder of OMSA (Old Men Skate Association), in Düsseldorf, Germany, headed over to Southern California in the dead of German winter to skate some pools and hang out in the California sun with his friend Keith Stephenson (owner of Addikt Skateboards) as well as Lance Mountain, pool skate writer Ozzie, Kenny King, Tony Alva, Jay Adams and more… sometimes dreams can become reality.


Contest #3 No one was even close. NAME THE SKATER, NAME THE SKATE SPOT Photos: … Keep reading

Euskadi Skate Session

This last summer I drove in our VW bus from Germany out to Asturias, in the North of Spain, with my girlfriend to check out the land, the people, the ocean, the skate scene and the general lifestyle of the region to see if we want to move there in the future. On our way back through Basque Country, I couldn’t resist to stop in at one of my favorite skate spots, La Kantera.

Benson Bros hit up the Parks

FDR local Adam Benson skates dirty & raw. Relocating from his home state of Delaware to California, where younger brother Colin Benson has already been lurking out in Santa Cruz for the last few years, the Benson Brothers are always up for raising havoc wherever they roam. Whether it’s the local watering whole, skatepark, or most recent DIY project, they don’t give up without a fight.