Scotty Walsh - backside smith

Australian barriers and pool

Inspiration for this spot came from seeing amazing DIY pop up all over the world and we wanted a little taste. We knew a beaut’ of a barrier that sits hidden away under a train bridge in Brisbane’s south that hadn’t been touched in years, all that was there was a channel that had been concreted up initially by Noah Phillips, Mark Zimmerle and Flloyd Rewa maybe 10 years ago.

Spanish Nightmare

I got one square concrete bowl, three plastic bowls, one empty toilet, found no toilets with doors anyways, almost one selfie, a couple sandy beaches…

Palmdale Pool Project

“The city (Palmdale) is a suburban dream turned methamphetamine nightmare. A desert retreat for all the misfits, gangsters and drug addicts from Los Angeles to find cheap housing. But as we may all know as skateboarders, these areas make a great destination for back yard pools.”

Bremen cradle overview.

Überseestadt skatepark – Bremen, Germany

A few weeks ago I visited my friend Matt from Minus Ramps and Pools. I hadn’t seen him for more then two and a half years. Reason enough to go for that ten hour drive from my place to Matt’s home. Another good reason was that Soup, the mastermind behind General Sherman’s Radius Floats, was visiting Matt. I had planned to stay just for the weekend, but I soon realized that this was not enough time.

Confusion Magazine – Issue #10 – out now

Featuring interviews with Cody Lockwood, Aref Bobby Koushesh, and artist French. DIY Skate spot check outs on Salamander Ranch (USA), Bob’s Spot (England), Wörgl DIY (Austria), and Down by the River (France). And way way more…