Hagen-Haspe skatepark make-over – Germany

Ever since the old funbox in Hagen-Haspe got torn down the park needed a new main obstacle. With the Help of Klaas Kleinschmidt, from the Skateboard e.V. of Hagen, Ur-Haspe local Andre Neubert, and myself, we got the chance to give the park a little make over.

Australians (and Kiwis) in California – roadtrip

I planned a quick roadtrip to central California with my mate Scott Standley. He got a hold of some of his homies to see who was in. Kieran Reilly was down to get out of So Cal. I borrowed my sisters SUV plus some camping gear, grabbed a couple kiwi dudes along the way and headed north.

Woody Trend. Photo: Ken Forsyth.

Alarm Pools – Atlanta, Georgia

These things have been around for years. Jerry Bundy and I rolled around the water in the bottom of one, three or four years ago, and decided it wasn’t worth the effort to bail the foot or so of scum out of it. I’ve heard that others have made the same decision….bail it, take one run…screw that!