Back to Old School 3 – Antwerp, Belgium (pre-contest)

A long time ago, in Anterp, Belgium the Back to Old School, 2nd edition was due to take place. Jason Parkes met me at my house in Cologne with his son Kilian. We got in my vw van and drove the 2 hours to the skatepark, where Lester Kasai and Mark Partain were warming up the day before the contest. It had been raining earlier and the park just dried up when we got there, and was practically empty, except for one of the best pool skaters in the world, and legendary 80s dominator Lester Kasai.

Amsterdam Pool Project: Holland

From Niels Naber, Burnside Constructions: “We are currently working on a last minute, hardcore diy project in Amsterdam, made with stuff found on site. It’s called the Amsterdam Pool Project and was initiated by 2 local artists Miktor and Molf.”

Backyard Pool. Bavaria, Germany

With the recent concrete developments in Hirschgarten, Heidelburg and Moos, you’d think there wouldn’t be much to update in the next months about new German ‘crete. And then bam! Baum sent in this update from the Bavarian outback – a backyard ‘made to skate’ pool he’s been working on in the backyard of Black River. Concrete coming next week! So who said there’s nothing good to skate in Germany?

Wörgl Pool, Austria

Wörgl’s pool # 3 is ready to shred… Built by the locals from Tyrol. Thanks for all the helping hands and dedication. There is still space left so watch out for more ‘crete coming soon!

ULTRA BOWL II – Malmö, Sweden – Day 2

I know, it’s Vert season in Sweden right now, but we’re a little behind here at Confusion headquarters – we’ve been hitting up skate events and hardcore shows in different countries and putting out magazines. Rest assured, you’ll be seeing some insane Vert Attack 5 coverage on the site one of these days, but for now we’re going to flash back to the final day of the Ultra Bowl II in Malmö, Sweden.

Happy 20th Birthday Burnside

Burnside is the oldest D.I.Y skate park in the United States and possibly the world. This Halloween I was lucky enough to partake and enjoy the 20 year celebration of the park. This skate park began its form during one Halloween night 20 years ago. Almost every following Halloween there has been some kind of gathering and skating at the park to celebrate its creation and existence. And this year was no exception…

Pudi’s Pool Coping – “Concrete Dreams”

Pudi lives in Southern Germany and makes pool coping for various concrete park and DIY projects around europe. Recently he got extra creative and made some “mosaique works” as a surprise gift for Bruno who was working on his new Concrete Project: CONCRETE DREAMS and building a new park in Oostende, Beligum.