Julien Benoliel. Backside smith. Photo: Damien Raveau - LeSiteduSkateboard

La Friche DIY Bowl – Marseille, France

Designed by concrete killer Julien Benoliel from Marseille, the bowl is being built for the “Julien Benoliel’s DIY bowl invitational contest” taking place April 26th. If you didn’t hear about it, well, I guess you weren’t invited.

Wrex Cook – Built to Skate

“What can one say about my best friend? He eats sleeps and breathes skateboarding. If he couldn’t be enveloped in skateboarding, I truly believe he would dry up and turn to dust. His entire life has been dedicated to progression through ideas and fruition. It all started with exploring on his bike with a milk crate and to this day, he is still constructing skate obstacles and teaching people how to take their skateboarding destiny into their own hands through doing it themselves…” – Kim Cook

Hell Curving Party 2012: Guineueta – Barcelona, Spain

Twenty years of Guineueta skatepark and next year is the 10th anniversary of the corner me and my friend Dany built… Barcelona didn’t have any skateparks, everything was shit and we needed to build something to skate a real one… that was the idea of building that D.I.Y.

Velbert, Germany – skatepark checkout + mini skate tour

We hit Velbert just after it was finished. There was a big hole in the deep-end that was not closed which limited our lines a little. But overall, the bowl is realy nice to skate. Crazy lines with the bump in the middle and a nice mix of different transitions. Pool stones in the deep-end and some stairs in a quick corner.

Båstad skatepark, Sweden

It has a 1.8m deep pool, road barrier hip, flat bank hip, and a speed track around the pool. Heaps of fun.