Graveside DIY – Hawaii
Graveside, appropriately named, sits next to a real grave yard and is in all essence a hardcore bowl to skate. The location is beautiful but still raw.
Graveside, appropriately named, sits next to a real grave yard and is in all essence a hardcore bowl to skate. The location is beautiful but still raw.
AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!
This is the third year that we (G’nassis) organized the Malinas Machinas event in Mechelen. The first year we didn’t really knew what we were doing, but we knew that we wanted skateboarding, bands playing and the bowl filled up with water for a pool party. And that all ended up super good, so we decided to do it again the next year in pirate style.
Steve Bailey and Roberto Alemañ head down to Baja with Leticia and hit up some backyard pools, have a run in with corrupt police, ride horses, drink margaritas, and have some good times…
Whether it be skateboarding, building skateparks, or partying, Baum goes all in – at least 100%. When I heard about Baum’s party taking place at the Mr. Wilson skate hall, the only indoor concrete bowl in Germany, I knew this was an occasion not to be missed.
The spot is about 10 km from Jyvaskyla, near Ruoke village in the middle of nowhere on this abandoned highway stop. Those barriers have been there for ages and we all have had our eyes on them for years. Two years ago Ville and few other guys started this spot by doing a small concrete tranny to make one of those barriers skateable
Koekie and the Knock Out Blocks crew put on their annual RAMP JAM in the countryside about 30 minutes from Antwerp, Beligum. The recipe the year is always the same: punk and hardcore bands, a sketchy ramp with as many gnarly features as possible, cheap beers, mayhem and destruction.
It was the second time these kids organized this event and it was already twice as big as last year. A really nice sunday afternoon with loads of good vibes!
Ever since the old funbox in Hagen-Haspe got torn down the park needed a new main obstacle. With the Help of Klaas Kleinschmidt, from the Skateboard e.V. of Hagen, Ur-Haspe local Andre Neubert, and myself, we got the chance to give the park a little make over.
I planned a quick roadtrip to central California with my mate Scott Standley. He got a hold of some of his homies to see who was in. Kieran Reilly was down to get out of So Cal. I borrowed my sisters SUV plus some camping gear, grabbed a couple kiwi dudes along the way and headed north.