Wonderland diy loop in Christiania

It was early August and Wonderland’s 17th birthday was coming up on September 26th. We wanted to build more on the path along Wonderland and after seeing a bunch of fox trails, we wanted to have one all the way around Wonderland. Imagining and dreaming, we spoke about a full pipe (thinking they can’t be so expensive those used for draining), so I called our sewer guy…

Basque full pipe experience – part 2

The mallorcans came to skate at La Kantera. We knew about some fullpipes in a big factory in Nafarroa (Euskadi) so we went their to search out the pipes, trespass and skate them. We had a big session, short, but awesome!! We all skated the full pipes. Mission accomplished. Thanks skateboarding.

Pipe view

Full pipe jam – Southern Australia

At least once a year in South Australia, Simon Sac puts on an event, this time it was different, instead of a ramp jam at West Beach, he put on a pipe jam out at a pipe in the desert.

Team Trouble Contest 2015 – Laax, Switzerland

There’s actually not much to say about this event. Just that its goal is to get together as many good tranny shredders as possible in teams of four. It’s rather a group thing where the teams skating together is better judged than individual skating – therefore some pretty weird combos. And there’s a carnival Friday night where everybody goes, hence the weird costumes on some guys.

Dietsches. Frontside grind. Benesse-maremne, Capbreton.

OMSA Tour De France

It all started five years ago when some dude from France posted photos from the Malmö Ultra Bowl contest… One of the photos was also of me and since then I meet Fred every year and he invites me to come to France. As I was only in a few places in France in all the years, the time had come! And I’m still fully stoked – so read on…

Park barge – Banzai Skate Park – Oahu, Hawaii

November in Hawaii brought huge swells and an abrupt closing of the Banzai skate park on the North Shore. A closing that would supposedly help the park grow with construction.

Yeray Menendez transfering the hip.

AK-55 skate bowl – Asturias, Spain

AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!

DIY Skateplaza Resthof Steyr – Upper Austria

The Skateboard Plaza Resthof, located in steyr/upper-austria, was created during the year 2012 by local skateboarders and friends. Our main goal was to create skateboard ramps which fit our needs.

Basque full pipe experience

Maurizio Dayan, Jaime Mateu from Mallorca, Oier Zabala and Borja Casas from Algorta went on a rainy day search the full pipes in a factory near Algorta. Only looking for some fun and to skate these awesome pipes, they went to the factory and skated. This is the true love of skateboarding.