The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 4)
The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 4)
The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 3)
The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 3)
The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 2)
Cachagua Land is a must ride! Unbelievable vibe, killer area and the best hosts around. Sweet thing is you don’t need to know anyone to get in, all’s you do is make a reservation and your guaranteed to sesh. Not sure if it is, but I believe Cachagua Land to be the only Airbnb DIY destination in the world?…
The (almost) Complete Guide to Nor Cal’s DIY Spots (part 1)
“I could say I remember it like it was yesterday but that would be a lie – in fact it seems like a lifetime ago. No smartphones, no email, weed was illegal no matter what your doctor cared to write, and the strippers had zits on their asses in Portland. Looking back it seems like 1995 was a completely different world than what exists today. I mean shit was real seedy back then and modern day terms like gentrify just weren’t in the average American’s vernacular. But even without the aid of booking flights and hotels online and the fantasy of transporting legal weed we somehow still made it to Burnside that summer because we fucking had to. “Build it and they will come” may be a corny ass line from a Kevin Costner movie but in the case of the granddaddy of DIY, it’s pretty much the way it was…” – Bruce Rodela
Kiel DIY – northern Germany
Ever since I saw Pontus Alv’s “Strongest of the Strange” I wanted to build some skate stuff myself. The film blew my mind // great skating, artwork and DIY, but especially the short moaning scene. It sounded all so familiar to me: no time, no spots to skate, no motivation.
More Concrete Flow for Mers Les Bains – Northern France
After we had built a sweet kidney pool in the lovely seaside resort of Mers les Bains on the northern french Atlantic coast last year we were invited to come back this year for more. The plan was to extend the street area with some kind of pump track around the whole park and mixing some street obstacles in there and just try to open up as many lines as possible.
Home Sweet Bowl – Summer Party – northern Germany
. We built it in May in Eyk`s garden and now it was about time for a decent public opening party which took place on August 30th. Days of preparations guaranteed that we were about to have a good time whether it would be raining or not. Four of Schleswig-Holstein`s finest bands were about to play and the bowl was to be shredded. It was party time!
AK-55 skate bowl – Asturias, Spain
AK-55 skateboarding is the first skate and surf hostel and school in Spain. When the project is completed it will be 1200 square meters (13,000 square feet) of pure skate! There will rooms to stay, a pool, beach and skateboarding!
Arsenal Skatepark – Douai. Northern France
Fun bowl and park, if you know anyone who wants to ride a rad bowl this weekend… – Mike Van der Ouderaa