nicolas büchi
Beastmode – Denis Supersaxo
Denis Supersaxo gets in this special mood, his Beastmode, when he’s just cruising the Beast … Keep reading
September Wheels Baltics Tour
The September Wheels summer tour has become a synonym for a great time with friends. This is why no less than 14 people met up in Helsinki last August to skate, eat, drink, sleep in tents and cross the Baltic sea. Somehow we managed to be in Finland for the hottest and sunniest week they had all summer, so we spent our days skating, swimming and sweating.
The Cutie DIY – Zürich, Switerzland
The Beauty was our beloved indoor Pool in the Autonomous Beauty Salon in Zürich. Since the squat got evicted in spring 2014, we started to plan for a new winter spot.
Herzblut at the Beauty DIY – Zürich, Switzerland
The Beauty is our winter spot. Rough, cold and dusty. Sketchy trannies and more then often some gravel in the corners. It’s located in a wonderful squat called “Autnomous Beauty Salon” in Zurich. We built it after we finished the Beast as a nice winter option.
The Beauty – D.I.Y Pool – Zürich, Switzerland
When we first entered the room, it was a full junkyard. But now, it is really a BEAUTY. Smooth to skate, a good couch, even a decent sound system. Over a year, we were working in small steps until we completed our indoor pool. We learned with every step new ways of building, so you’ll feel it in every corner, which are all different to skate, due to the learning process.
Logr Crew (Czech Republic) discover Beauty and the Beast
One time LOGR got packed up, got into the van, got the engine started for a journey through Europe. Lógr lived from one day to another with no roof above, nowhere to sleep and without knowing what to expect the next morning. And on the road, we hit the beautiful Swiss city of Zürich, where we met Beauty and the Beast!