Michi Nadler. Kick turn on the column.

Gmunden miniramp session – Austria

After the contest “Rumble in the Park”, we stayed a couple of days more with Michi and skated around Gmunden… during a rainy day, we had a small session in the miniramp.

Danny Leon.

Vans Spring Classic – miniramp contest – Napoli, Italy

For a perfect pizza good ingredients are the base! A bunch of sick skaters from all over the world, a well made mini-ramp (Ignoramps), a fruitful sunny place, fantastic food… altogether made a great event.

Lohse Party 2013 – Cologne, Germany

Lohse Ramp Party 2013 – Köln, Germany – June 29th, 2013. There was a contest. The Schöne Hubätz played afterwards. Good times… I don’t remember who won.

Miniramp Wave – Heilbronn, Germany

Just friends doing what they love and what they live for. Doing concrete stuff. this mini-wave-ramp is the beginning of a bigger project. but who knows what happens?

Michael Nadler and Georg Nadler. Noseblunt and blunt.

5boro mini ramp – Gmunden, Austria

These photos are taken at the after party of the Rumble in the Park organized by Micheal Nadler, behind the 5boro shop in Gmunden, Austria.

Alis floating miniramp – Copenhagen, Denmark

Alis have every year been a part of Distortion – first in Wonderland and then later at the street parties around the city. This year it moved to the habour side to be able to accommodate the big crowd, so they asked if we wanted to join in with some fun and off course we did.

Overview. Foto: Alex Funk

Telum Basement Bowl and Miniramp – Stuttgart, Germany

At the end of 2012 Alex Funk, head of Telum Skateboards and a few Stuttgart locals visited the former health ministry in Stuttgart and decided it could be a good place to build up something new to skate indoor in Stuttgart. The Skateboard Museum, also located in Stuttgart, was closing at the end of the year. So there was the possibility to rebuild the Museum Bowl into the new location.