Schetg Gru Mini Madness – Laax, Switzerland

The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.


Board Spirit Marseille organized at La Friche Belle de Mai the “SKATEPUNK”: aconcept as simple as it iss obvious: skateboarding, punk rock, screaming, bruises, and countless hangovers.

Schetg Gru miniramp session – Laax, Switzerland

Ten years of tags, drugs and piss. It had enough layers of dirt to keep its distinguished look, and smell, for a while. Just nice enough to let one of the locals imagine what it would look like in a club…. 


Flash flooding has recently devastated this area and many are in crisis. You can help the community by donating to relief funds.

Team Trouble 2021 – Laax, Switzerland

Team Trouble is a skateboarding event with a different flavor. Instead of skaters competing one by one, they battle in teams and show crazy team combos.

PARK(ing) Day – Münster, Germany

On September 18, 2020 – World Wide PARK(ing) Day –  activists block city streets in an effort to take back the space all those cars occupy all the time. Few things are more annoying and useless than cars in a city. We, as skateboarders, are pretty much used to “repurposing city space”, so we decided to build a little ramp with the help of our local “BTC” D.I.Y. Crew. We added some beers to the equation and it all went down as a memorable afternoon.