Schetg Gru Mini Madness – Laax, Switzerland
The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.
The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.
Words by: @dirty_joaco Photos by Till Beisler and Jeffrey LADD After LohseParty is before LohseParty … Keep reading
Team Trouble’s little bro, they set up a miniramp in the same club that TT parties go down. Also there was some art on decks and a bit of tattooing. Just all packed in one day instead a whole week.
Ten years of tags, drugs and piss. It had enough layers of dirt to keep its distinguished look, and smell, for a while. Just nice enough to let one of the locals imagine what it would look like in a club….
Finals at El Gochu and a few bonus shots after. Finales en El Gochu y … Keep reading
Flash flooding has recently devastated this area and many are in crisis. You can help the community by donating to relief funds.
On September 18, 2020 – World Wide PARK(ing) Day – activists block city streets in an effort to take back the space all those cars occupy all the time. Few things are more annoying and useless than cars in a city. We, as skateboarders, are pretty much used to “repurposing city space”, so we decided to build a little ramp with the help of our local “BTC” D.I.Y. Crew. We added some beers to the equation and it all went down as a memorable afternoon.
Skating Portland DIY in Basel, next to our hometown Lörrach, always made us want to … Keep reading
Video by Sean Nguyen, Skiby Bobaj and Jackson Davis. Edit by Sean Nguyen“In the end … Keep reading
Lohserampe is a mini ramp located in a public park in Cologne, Germany. It has … Keep reading