PARK(ing) Day – Münster, Germany

On September 18, 2020 – World Wide PARK(ing) Day –  activists block city streets in an effort to take back the space all those cars occupy all the time. Few things are more annoying and useless than cars in a city. We, as skateboarders, are pretty much used to “repurposing city space”, so we decided to build a little ramp with the help of our local “BTC” D.I.Y. Crew. We added some beers to the equation and it all went down as a memorable afternoon.

Infernal Ramp “Grind to Grind” – 2015 – Cadiz, Spain

Comenzamos el evento presentando el nuevo DIY Grind To Grind Molten Trucks Pool Coping. Siguiendo nuestra obsesión por los ejes y nuestro culto a ellos, el nuevo Grind to Grind consistía en la fundición de ejes de skate y transformarlos en una loseta de piscina.

Herzblut at the Beauty DIY – Zürich, Switzerland

The Beauty is our winter spot. Rough, cold and dusty. Sketchy trannies and more then often some gravel in the corners. It’s located in a wonderful squat called “Autnomous Beauty Salon” in Zurich. We built it after we finished the Beast as a nice winter option.

Session at Beertards ramp – Kranj, Slovenia

Maybe this ramp doesn’t look special to you, but it’s very special to a couple of guys who live in Slovenia where you can count these kind of places with the fingers of one hand. And if you cut one finger off you’ll get the number of skaters who don’t wear hair gel and who don`t skate on supermarket parking places. People will hate me even more for what I just wrote. Fuck them.

Jason Jessee: “I skateboard but I’m an artist.” Automodown warehouse. Watsonville, California. (2004-2005)

Jason Jessee is a legend. He is also a living enigma, which is defined as a “riddle generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that requires ingenuity and careful thinking to discover its solution.” He is a natural born actor, who plays himself in every role he’s ever been in. He is probably best known for his frontside ollie, which many agree was the best skateboarding has ever seen.

Belgian Full Pipes

Last year or so ago, when Team Pain were in Belgium building the Antwerp skatepark they took a break from their hard work to investigate the rumor of some full pipes down at the harbor. The rumors were true….