Automobilen Snakerun Falkenberg – A lost piece of skateboarding history – Sweden
When thinking of iconic skateparks from the 1970’s, Sweden’s probably an unlikely candidate that comes to mind
When thinking of iconic skateparks from the 1970’s, Sweden’s probably an unlikely candidate that comes to mind
It was the time for skaters, punks, hippies, musicians and party animals to assault Luminy’s wilderness alongside the local boars. The goal? To party around a skate project led by the students of the architectural school of Marseille.
When living in North Germany, an annual Denmark skate trip is pretty much obligatory. This May we went to Copenhagen to skate some of the well-known spots
For about eight years, a couple of friends and I have been going on a skate trip for about a week around Easter time.
Disgusting skate parasites bring forward a propaganda film for their ethereal leader Bellyful Skates.
The bowls have been there since last year and allready saw some good shredding, but if you get the right people together at one day, aka having the first contest things get …different.
Riga skate community is rather small. It sometimes seems that we have more places to skate than skaters to keep these places kicking
Even though we were in the thick of the pandemic this spot was safer than most – even with the assorted used needles, used sex toys, and crack heads hanging about… definitely a safe haven during a sketchy ass year.
Under the bridge DIY in Denmark with Ginger, Bjørn Lillesøe, Lukas Lundgaard Olsen, Sebastian La Cour, Søren Noe and Nicky Guerrero. Video and photos by Johan Benda