Glass skateboarding – Riga, Latvia

An experienced skateboarder, consciously or unconsciously knows and feels the material, its texture, and density, of his/her choice. Glass is rarely used byskateboarders, and the idea of purposely creating objects of glass for skateboarding is something new for everyone. It’s an adventure, entering the unknown, which is the best part ofboth forms of expression – glass art and skateboarding.

Trukentroef V – Vorselaar, Belgium

Since the last edition a few new obstacles were built by Ratman’s crew and the locals: a new corner with a love seat including custom made pool coping and a nice bank with a little slappy on top.

Barax D.I.Y. Riga – Latvia

The year was the summer of 2008, if I remember corectly. The skate scene in Riga was pretty much skatepark oriented. Instead of developing plazas, squares and public parks,The generous European union investment in the country cursed us with bunch of those plywood zoos, trying to feed us the absurd mentality that skateboarding, bmx and rollerblading are the the same thing, and it’s just natural for us to be locked in a controlled environment and have fun all together.

LA DIGUE A LA DALLE – Toulouse, France

We decided to bring together chefs, artists and obviously skateboarders during a brand new event at La Digue, our DIY spot in Toulouse, France.

Girls on Shred – Coal pad DIY – Glacier, WA

After more than a year of not being able to have any gatherings and going thru lockdowns here and there, it looks like times are getting a bit better and on June 12th Montana based “Girls on shred”hosted their first women’s / non binary skate clinic in Washington state at the Coal pad DIY in the town of Glacier.