Pool session – Grind COVID down 2021 – Dülmen, Germany
After a nearly secret session in 2020 because of COVID lockdown and a police show up, we did it again in 2021 as the same non-official procedure.
It was just six issues ago that we graced the pages of this glorious magazine with our professional d.i.y. park in Glücksburg in the most northern corner of Germany. After three builds in four years we thought we were finished, but it turned out we were wrong.
Betonchilbi session in Näfels DIY – Glarus, Switzerland
Betonchilbi session in Näfels, Glarus, in the Swiss mountains and got refurnished by the Wonders Around the World crew.
Miniature Skate Pool model
After the Coronavirus swooped in and stopped us from completing a skatepark with just one … Keep reading