Frontside judo. Carbondale, Colorado.

The John ‘Dana’ Allison interview

Few people are “Classic” at the ripe age of 20. A “Classic” person is someone like Paul Newman in “Cool Hand Luke”, Clint Eastwood in “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly”, or a skateboarder like Alan Petersen or John Cardiel. A “Classic” skateboarder will roll up to a spot, pensively smoke a cigarette in the shadow, sip on a beer, and then quietly annihilate every obstacle in his path. John ‘Dana’ Allison is one of those people.

Lohse Party 2013 – Cologne, Germany

Lohse Ramp Party 2013 – Köln, Germany – June 29th, 2013. There was a contest. The Schöne Hubätz played afterwards. Good times… I don’t remember who won.

Jürgen Horrwarth. Nosegrind over the hip into the shallow-end. Photo: Hay

Best of Both – Düsseldorf, Germany – 2013

The Best of Both is a wooden bowl contest that takes place every year for the last four or five years. The first day the skating is in the downstairs Factory Bowl, and the second day upstairs in the OMSA Pool which is a wooden replica of a real backyard pool.

Ultra Bowl backyard pool session – Malmö, Sweden

This years Ultrabowl took place in the main park at Stapelbäddsparken. The only part of the contest that took place in the “backyard pool” styled bowl was the Masters, but that didn’t stop a few others from dropping in on the action.