Pool Session 2015 – La Kantera, Basque country

This year the level in the juniors was high, all were ripping hard. In the pool sesion many people from Barcelona came and were ripping the pool. A cool session with locals too. Good moments. Skate for fun.

Diego Doural. Testing out the coping.

Zarautz skatepark – Basque Country

The town of Zarautz on the Atlantic coast in Basque country has a long skate and surf tradition. A town well known for it’s world surfing championship held every year since the late 1980s also has a skatepark build on the beach back in this time which was a copy of the La Kantera skatepark.

Nochevieja – La Kantera – Basque Country

The locals of La Kantera have a town tradition where on the last day of the year they skate in costumes and bomb a hill ending up at La Kantera skatepark.