BSS Crew – Basque Country skate tour

So we made another skate trip this summer, to the Basque Country! We stayed each night at the beach or near the skatepark and prepared our meals with a barbeque or a gas cooker. When we arrived in Bilbao we just picked up our rental car and directly headed to the first spot, it was an awesome obstacle park in the center of Bilbao with a huge halfpipe and a miniramp with a hip…

Kampsa II DIY Basque Country – 20th anniversary party

Yesterday, for the 20th anniversary of “Kampsa II“, a contest was organized in Pasajes, Basque Country, in their wonderful DIY bowl.
Thanks to Vans, Slapshop, Jart, BD Skateco, Hoff, 310 shop, Manic and Flow for their gifts to the bests skaters, and winners of the contest.