Muckefuck Skateboards & Urethane team edit

50 guys packed into a 5 minute clip. The Muckefuck team riders hitting up every kind of skateable terrain imaginable. No triple angle slow mo footage, no drone footage, only the fastest, purest and rawest skateboarding – turn up the volume and wake up!

Vincenza, Italy – Murder Bowl mania

The Italian scene seems as rich and happy as the country seems poor and in deep shit. So when I saw the murder bowl contest ad, my bag was ready.

Jürgen Horrwarth. Nosegrind over the hip into the shallow-end. Photo: Hay

Best of Both – Düsseldorf, Germany – 2013

The Best of Both is a wooden bowl contest that takes place every year for the last four or five years. The first day the skating is in the downstairs Factory Bowl, and the second day upstairs in the OMSA Pool which is a wooden replica of a real backyard pool.

Dragonslayer featuring Skreetch – contest

Here at Confusion, we don’t usually give away other people’s stuff, we’re too busy giving away our own, but, we like Skreetch, he’s a total psycho and he rules, and we’re also down with Addikt Skateboards, a true skateboarding company that is struggling along with the rest of us and doing exactly what they want to do.

ULTRA BOWL II – Malmö, Sweden – Day 2

I know, it’s Vert season in Sweden right now, but we’re a little behind here at Confusion headquarters – we’ve been hitting up skate events and hardcore shows in different countries and putting out magazines. Rest assured, you’ll be seeing some insane Vert Attack 5 coverage on the site one of these days, but for now we’re going to flash back to the final day of the Ultra Bowl II in Malmö, Sweden.