Hell Curving Party 2012: Guineueta – Barcelona, Spain

Twenty years of Guineueta skatepark and next year is the 10th anniversary of the corner me and my friend Dany built… Barcelona didn’t have any skateparks, everything was shit and we needed to build something to skate a real one… that was the idea of building that D.I.Y.

Campo Cuatro Casas: Baja, Mexico

The first time I heard about this magic place called “Cuatro Casas” was in 2009. I met my good friend Jose Noro in San Francisco for a one month road trip with the classic recipe of not having any fixed plans other than to skate, meet old and new friends and to generally see and experience as much as we can. – Lars Greiwe

Photo Contest #4

So we’re working hard on the first print issue of CONFUSION MAGAZINE here at the Confusion Headquarters, but don’t want to leave you hanging waiting for some new content on the website, so we’re having a contest. WIN A FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO CONFUSION MAGAZINE.