Confusion Magazine – Issue #8 – out now

Confusion Magazine – Issue #8 – out now! Features with Frank Shaw, Sox, Lovenskate in Basque, DIY skate spots including Bluestone (Australia), Port Land (Switzerland), PFK (Japan), a music feature with Mike Neider from Bl’ast, an artist feature with Zombie Stu, a scene report on Cadiz, Spain, Hot shit, product reviews, zine reviews, video reviews, a Ramp Jam in Belgium and so much more.

Skatehouse DIY – Lewes, England

This all began for me at the luxurious point at which £20,000 of funding had already been secured by a local skatepark development worker, however it became clear that the funders didn’t actually want to part with the money for various reasons and seemed pretty negative when they realised I had half a clue as to how to pull this off!

Hot shit: Dan Pinder

Dan Pinder is an 18 year old skater from Fargo, North Dakota. He doesn’t like contests. He just wants to eat, skate, and shit for a company, and hopefully that is good enough!

Faelledparken skatepark – Copenhagen, Denmark

After the ULTRABOWL IV in Malmö, Sweden, a few different skate tours were underway across Europe, and the first stop on the way to “mainland” Europe is through Copenhagen. There are at least three sick skate spots in Copenhagen, one of which is the semi new Faelledparken skatepark where they had the Copenhagen Pro the last two years. The main two tours that Confusion ran into were LIFEBLOOD skateboards and the INDEPENDENT Trucks, but in addition there were a couple renegade tours passing through…

OWL BOWL opening – Cologne, Germany

October 1st was a momentous day in Cologne with the opening of the first concrete bowl in Germany’s fourth largest city. Built by IOU Ramps and the local skaters of Cologne, the OWL BOWL is located at the NorthBrigade Skatepark, which has been open since the 1980s. Skaters from around Germany showed up for the opening party which was graced with sunny skies, which at this time of the year is a treat, as there was just as much chance the rain would shut down the event.